Freedom of information act 1982 cth pdf file

Freedom of information act 1982 foi act as set out below. Index table search search this act notes noteup download help. We provide information this way to reduce the need for members of the public to submit foi requests. The freedom of information act 1982 foi is australian commonwealth freedom of information legislation which gives members of the public rights of access to official documents of the government of the commonwealth and of its agencies. The disclosure log lists information that has been released in response to a freedom of information foi access request. Access to documents held by commonwealth agencies and ministers is provided under the of information act 1982 cth this page first gives an overview of the features of the commonwealth foi scheme, and then discusses important concepts in the regime. The freedom of information act 1982 was amended by the workplace relations amendment work choices consequential amendments regulations 2006 no.

Recommendation 151 the freedom of information act 1982 cth. Information released under the freedom of information act. The act protects personal privacy by exempting documents the disclosure of which would result in. The freedom of information act 1982 gives you the right to request access to governmentheld information. Freedom of information act 1982 victorian legislation. The freedom of information act 1982 cth 189 weight that it should be given on either side of the ledger. An act to give to members of the public rights of access to official documents of the government of the. This includes information they hold about you or about government policies and decisions. The disclosure log provides access to information which has been released in. The freedom of information act 1982 cth foi act gives a general right to the public and to staff to seek access to documents held by csiro. I request all documents in my centrelink file pursuant to the freedom of information act 1982 cth, including but not limited to.

Australia was the first country with a westminster system government to introduce freedom of information legislation, following the model established in the united states in 1966. Certain legislation relating to australian capital territory not to be enactment 4b. Federal register of legislation australian government. Accs foi statement may 2019 freedom of information act 1982. Act not to apply to access to certain documents of office of victorian information commissioner 6a. Australian lawfreedom of informationcommonwealth wikiversity. Freedom of information act 1982 cth 11a access to documents on request scope 1 this section applies if. Under freedom of information foi you have a right, with limited exceptions, to access documents we hold. We make a range of documents available for public access. The federal court is required by section 11c of the freedom of information act 1982 cth foi act to publish a disclosure log on its website.

Purpose of this form if you have a hearing or speech impairment tty service freecall 1800 810 586. You can formally request access under the freedom of information act 1982 foi act to documents we hold. Request for access to documents under the freedom of information act 1982 cth. Contract for services trials of the aged care system navigator measure. Foi disclosure log publicly available information released following a freedom of information foi access request. Ministers and government entities may claim certain specific grounds exemptions as a basis to refuse access to documents. Administrative appeals tribunal practice direction freedom of information 4. The freedom of information act 1982 foi act gives you a general right of access to information held by us and other commonwealth agencies departments and authorities. If you do this, the foi act gives the oaic power to require the agency to make a decision on your request. Parliament of australiasenate legal and constitutional legislation committee, inquiry into the freedom of information amendment open government bill 2000 2001. Office of the information commissioner qld decision no.

The department endeavours to meet statutory obligations under the freedom of information act 1982 cth, the agency may seek an applicants or the office of the australian information commissioners agreement to extend the processing timeframe. The text of any of those amendments not in force on that date is appended in the notes section. Request for access to documents under the freedom of information act 1982 cth personal health records the department of health department does not generally hold personal health records about individuals such as. Request for access to documents under the freedom of. Foi disclosure log therapeutic goods administration tga. Notice of decision under section 27a5 of the freedom of. Your information may be used by the department or given to other parties for the purposes of research, investigation or where you have agreed or it is required or authorised by law. Type or print the subject of records name and his or. Under the foi act, you have a legal right subject to some exceptions to see documents we hold and get copies of those documents. The notes at the end of this compilation the endnotes include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in. This act may be cited as the freedom of information act 1982. Health181904780 this document has been released act. The therapeutic goods administration tga does not generally hold personal health records about individuals such as.

Freedom of information authorised persons national archives of australia authorisations. Freedom of information act 1982 sect 11a access to. Decision and reasons for decision freedom of information act. Disclosure log under the freedom of information act. The information described in the disclosure log has been released by the acnc under the freedom of information act 1982 cth and is available for public access. The afp will continue to update you in relation to this operation. Publicly available information released following an foi access request. A public interest is an interest that is shared by the community as a whole, as opposed to a private interest that is held only by the individual concerned. In australia, the freedom of information act 1982 was passed at the federal level in 1982, applying to all ministers, departments and public authorities of the commonwealth. Under the freedom of information act by electronic submission. These statements are a statutory requirement under the freedom of information act 1982 vic. I have refused access to documents falling within part 1 and part 4 of your request under s 24a of the freedom of information act 1982 foi act because i am satisfied that after taking all reasonable steps to find these documents, the documents do not exist. The department of health, of which the tga is a part, is required by section 11c of the freedom of information act 1982 the foi act to disclose access decisions through a disclosure log on its website.

The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be. The foi act also applies to norfolk island public sector agencies and official documents of norfolk island ministers. See documents held by australian government ministers, their departments and most statutory authorities in this pamphlet these bodies are called agencies. All documents on file in relation to a complaint for example. The accident compensation and conciliation service accs is a statutory body established under the accident compensation act 1985 vic to facilitate timely and cost effective resolution of. Further, if there are a voluminous amount of documents that would create an unreasonable diversion of the ocos resources see section 24ab of the foi act consultation with the applicant to refine the scope of their request will be required. Freedom of information act 1982 and may be necessary to process your application. Index table search search this act notes noteup previous next download help. These guidelines provide information and guidance on the interpretation, operation and administration of the freedom of information act 1982 the foi act.

As the 30th anniversary of the foi act passes, the development of foi law and culture since the act was initially passed has undergone incredible change. The freedom of information act 1982 foi act and the australian information commissioner act 2010 aic act together constitute the legislative framework to provide the public with a right of access to government documents. Requests for personal records require an original signature and cannot be accepted online. Freedom of information act central bank of nigeria. Freedom of information act 2000 gives the public the right to access information possessed by and pertaining to the entities that perform functions funded by the taxpayer money and affect the life of the public, at large. Request for access to documents under the freedom of information act 1982 online request form. This is a compilation of the freedom of information act 1982 that shows the text of the. Freedom of information act 1982 cth s 47 documents disclosing trade secrets or commercially valuable information.

Freedom of information re rakich and guardianship and administration board 2000 waicmr 3 page 5 of 6 the term tribunal is not defined. Part iipublication of certain documents and information. Individuals have the right to request access to documents from australian government ministers and most australian government agencies under the freedom of information act 1982 foi act. Freedom of information act 1982 cth foi act to the following documents. The freedom of information act 1982 cth foi act gives you the legal right to. Note that a document published on the disclosure log may be an edited version of the document originally provided to an applicant because of an exception listed above. This compilation was prepared on 15 february 2012 taking into account amendments up to act no. Modification of the administrative appeals tribunal act 1975 62. Notice of decision under section 26 of the freedom of information act 1982. Put simply, governmentheld information is a national resource2, and the public is entitled to have access to it within reasonable limits. Centrelink, defence force ombudsman, australia post etc. The oco receives foi requests for a wide range of documents, however, the two main requests are. The accs makes information available to the public on its website and in print materials. Freedom of information administrative appeals tribunal.

The notes at the end of this compilation the endnotes include information about amending laws and. Division 5protection of information in tribunal 63. The opc submitted that such complaints deal with the issue of privacy itself. Apra is required by s 11c of the freedom of information act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website from 1 may 2011. Freedom of information act 1982 2except for part ii, this act shall come into operation on a day six months from the day on which it receives the royal assent. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Application of section 28 of administrative appeals tribunal act etc. This is a compilation of the freedom of information act 1982 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 14 september 2019 the compilation date. The freedom of information act 1982 foi is australian commonwealth freedom of. Australian attorney general s department freedom of. The disclosure log provides access to information which has been released in response to an foi request. Freedom of information act 2011 laws of the federation of nigeria an act to make public records and information more freely available, provide for public access to public records and information, protect public records and information to the extent consistent with the public interest and the protection of. Access to government documents freedom of information act 1982 cth, s 32 the parliament intends, by these objects, to promote australias representative democracy by contributing towards the following.

The freedom of information act 1982 cth provides access to government information. If you need more space than what is provided, you may make copies of this page to complete and file with this request or attach a separate sheet of paper. If you are lodging a freedom of information foi request on behalf of another person. Objectsinformation or documents otherwise accessible 4. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Freedom of information act 1982 table of provisions long title part ipreliminary 1. The freedom of information act 1982 cth foi act is built around a basic principle. I refer to your request of to the department of health department seeking access under the.

There is no analogous exemption under the freedom of information act 1982 cth, although that act specifically exempts courts and tribunals from its operation in relation to their judicial functions. This right is promoted and enforced in the freedom of information act 1982 foi. This is a compilation of the freedom of information act 1982 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 7 november 2017 the compilation date. That is not to say that a person cannot represent a public interest.

The freedom of information act 1982 cth foi act gives you the legal right to access documents in the possession of this agency documents can include minutes, submissions, files, emails, post it notes, diaries, notebooks, reports, computer print outs, tapes or disks, text messages, maps, plans, photographs, microfiche, tape recordings, films, videotapes and metadata. The freedom of information act 1982 as shown in this compilation comprises act no. If you are making a request on behalf of another person, please complete our written form. Freedom of information authorised persons national. Financial administration and audit act 1977 qld freedom of information act 1982 cth s. Freedom of information act 1982 cth s 47b public interest conditional exemptionscommonwealthstate. Freedom of information act 1982 federal register of legislation. You cant access a document an australian government agency or minister.

Part ii of the foi act, which deals with the information publication scheme scheme, came into effect on 1 may 2011. Foi disclosure log australian charities and notforprofits. Part 1 introduction to the freedom of information act 1982. Airservices australia the organisation has prepared this agency plan plan in accordance with section 81 of the freedom of information act 1982 cth as amended foi act. Ask for information concerning you to be changed if it is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or. Part 2 scope of application of the freedom of information act 1982. Administration of the freedom of information act 1982. The applicant was invited to lodge a written submission in support of his case, which he did by letter dated 23 june 1993. Inspectorgeneral of intelligence and security must be requested to give evidence in certain proceedings 61. Additional information if you need extra space to provide any additional information within this request, use the space below. The freedom of information act foia is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. Page 3 of 3 for further information about the aat, please call us on 1800 228 333 or go to.

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